Synopsis of Pool Management Commands

5.2. Synopsis of Pool Management Commands

Four commands are available to manage pools:

  • pool_tool

  • pool_assemble

  • pool_info

  • pool_mp

The following sections briefly describe the commands and provide references to other sections in this chapter, where more detailed information about the commands and their use is described.

5.2.1. pool_tool

The pool_tool command provides a variety of functions for manipulating and controlling pools (refer to Table 5-1 and Table 5-2). Some pool_tool functions — such as creating a pool and growing a pool — require that a file be specified on the command line to provide inputs for the command. Other pool_tool functions — such as erasing a pool, renaming a pool, changing a minor number, and printing a pool configuration — act on existing pools and require one or more pool names to be specified on the command line.

FlagFunctionSection/Page Reference
-cCreate a poolSection 5.5 Creating a Pool Volume
-eErase a poolSection 5.9 Erasing a Pool Volume
-sScan devicesSection 5.3 Scanning Block Devices
-gGrow a pool

Section 5.8 Growing a Pool Volume
Note: The pool_tool -g command supersedes the pool_grow command as of GFS 5.2. Although the pool_grow command is still available, it is not supported in GFS 5.2 and later.

-rRename a pool

Section 5.10 Renaming a Pool Volume
Note: In releases before GFS 5.2, the -r flag had a different usage.

-pPrint a pool configurationSection 5.7 Displaying Pool Configuration Information
-mChange a pool minor numberSection 5.11 Changing a Pool Volume Minor Number

Table 5-1. pool_tool Command Functions

-DEnable debugging output.
-hHelp. Show usage information.
-OOverride prompts.
-qBe quiet. Do not display output from the command.
-VDisplay command version information, then exit.
-vVerbose operation.

Table 5-2. pool_tool Command Options

5.2.2. pool_assemble

The pool_assemble command activates and deactivates pools on a system (refer to Table 5-3 and Table 5-4). One or more pool names can be specified on the command line, indicating the pools to be activated or deactivated. If no pools are specified on the command line, all pools will be acted upon.

FlagFunctionSection/Page Reference
-aActivate pool(s)Section 5.6 Activating/Deactivating a Pool Volume
-rDeactivate pool(s)Section 5.6 Activating/Deactivating a Pool Volume

Table 5-3. pool_assemble Command Functions

-DEnable debugging output.
-hHelp. Show usage information.
-qBe quiet. Do not display output from the command.
-VDisplay command version information, then exit.
-vVerbose operation.

Table 5-4. pool_assemble Command Options

5.2.3. pool_info

The pool_info command scans disks directly and displays information about activated pools in a system; that is, pools that have been assembled with the pool_assemble command (refer to Table 5-5 and Table 5-6). Information about pools that are present but not assembled is excluded from the information displayed with a pool_info command. One or more pool names can be specified on the command line to select information about specific pools. If no pool name is specified, information on all pools is returned.

FlagFunctionSection/Page Reference
-cClear statisticsSection 5.13 Using Pool Volume Statistics
-iDisplay information Section 5.12 Displaying Pool Volume Information
-sDisplay statisticsSection 5.13 Using Pool Volume Statistics
-pDisplay an active configuration Section 5.7 Displaying Pool Configuration Information

Table 5-5. pool_info Command Functions

-DEnable debugging output.
-HShow capacity in human readable form.
-hHelp. Show usage information.
-qBe quiet. Do not display output from the command.
-tSet time interval for continual statistics updates.
-VDisplay command version information, then exit.
-vVerbose operation.

Table 5-6. pool_info Command Options

5.2.4. pool_mp

The pool_mp command is for managing multipathing on running pools (refer to Table 5-7 and Table 5-8). One or more pool names can be specified on the command line to adjust multipathing on specific pools. If no pools are specified on the command line, all pools will be acted upon.

FlagFunctionSection/Page Reference
-mTune multipathingSection 5.14 Adjusting Pool Volume Multipathing
-rRestore failed pathsSection 5.14 Adjusting Pool Volume Multipathing

Table 5-7. pool_mp Command Functions

-DEnable debugging output.
-hHelp. Show usage information.
-qBe quiet. Do not display output from the command.
-VDisplay command version information, then exit.
-vVerbose operation.

Table 5-8. pool_mp Command Options