- backup router
- see LVS clustering
- channel bonding
- see Ethernet bonding
- chkconfig,
Configuring Services on the LVS Routers
- cluster
- see cluster types
- administration,
Cluster Administration
- diagnosing and correcting problems,
Diagnosing and Correcting Problems in a Cluster
- disabling the cluster software,
Disabling the Cluster Software
- displaying status,
Displaying Cluster and Service Status
- name, changing,
Changing the Cluster Name
- starting,
Starting the Cluster Software
- cluster administration,
Cluster Administration
- backing up the cluster database,
Backing Up and Restoring the Cluster Database
- changing the cluster name,
Changing the Cluster Name
- diagnosing and correcting problems in a cluster,
Diagnosing and Correcting Problems in a Cluster
- disabling the cluster software,
Disabling the Cluster Software
- displaying cluster and service status,
Displaying Cluster and Service Status
- modifying the cluster configuration,
Modifying the Cluster Configuration
- restoring the cluster database,
Backing Up and Restoring the Cluster Database
- starting and stopping the cluster software,
Starting and Stopping the Cluster Software
- updating the cluster software,
Updating the Cluster Software
- cluster configuration
- minimum
- example,
Minimum Hardware Requirements
- modifying,
Modifying the Cluster Configuration
- Cluster Configuration Tool
- accessing,
Overview of the Cluster Configuration Tool
- cluster database
- backing up,
Backing Up and Restoring the Cluster Database
- restoring,
Backing Up and Restoring the Cluster Database
- cluster hardware
- connecting,
Setting Up and Connecting the Cluster Hardware
- fence devices,
Choosing the Type of Fence Device
- setting up,
Setting Up and Connecting the Cluster Hardware
- cluster hardware tables,
Cluster Hardware Components
- cluster node hardware table,
Cluster Hardware Components
- cluster service
- displaying status,
Displaying Cluster and Service Status
- cluster service managers
- configuration,
Adding a Cluster Service to the Cluster,
Propagating The Configuration File: New Cluster
- cluster services,
Adding a Cluster Service to the Cluster
- see also adding to the cluster configuration
- Apache HTTP Server, setting up,
Setting Up Apache HTTP Server
- httpd.conf,
Installing and Configuring the Apache HTTP Server
- cluster software
- disabling,
Disabling the Cluster Software
- installation and configuration,
Installing and Configuring Red Hat Cluster Suite Software
- automatic installation of RPMs,
Installing the Red Hat Cluster Suite Packages,
Automatic RPM Installation
- custom installation of RPMs,
Custom RPM Installation
- custom installation using the rpm utility,
Installing Packages with the rpm Utility
- determining RPMs to install,
Determining RPMs To Install
- steps for installing and initializing,
Installing the Red Hat Cluster Suite Packages,
Selectively Installing Red Hat Cluster Suite Packages
- starting and stopping,
Starting and Stopping the Cluster Software
- steps for installing and initializing,
Installing the Red Hat Cluster Suite Packages,
Selectively Installing Red Hat Cluster Suite Packages
- updating,
Updating the Cluster Software
- cluster software installation and configuration,
Installing and Configuring Red Hat Cluster Suite Software
- cluster types
- compute-clustering
- Beowulf,
Technology Overview
- definition of,
Technology Overview
- high-availability clustering,
Technology Overview
- see also Red Hat Cluster Manager
- definition of,
Technology Overview
- load-balance clustering,
Technology Overview
- see also LVS clustering
- definition of,
Technology Overview
- overview of,
Technology Overview
- components
- of LVS cluster,
Components of an LVS Cluster
- compute-clustering
- see cluster types
- configuration
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux,
Installing and Configuring Red Hat Enterprise Linux
- configuration file
- propagation of,
Propagating The Configuration File: New Cluster
- console startup messages
- displaying,
Displaying Console Startup Messages
- console switch,
Minimum Hardware Requirements
- setting up,
Setting Up a Console Switch
- console switch hardware table,
Cluster Hardware Components
- conventions
- document,
Document Conventions
- feedback,
Send in Your Feedback
- fence device
- configuring,
Configuring a Fence Device
- fence devices,
Choosing the Type of Fence Device
- network-attached,
Choosing the Type of Fence Device
- serial-attached,
Choosing the Type of Fence Device
- watchdog timers,
Choosing the Type of Fence Device
- hardware-based,
Choosing the Type of Fence Device
- software-based,
Choosing the Type of Fence Device
- file systems
- creating,
Creating File Systems
- FTP, clustering,
FTP In an LVS Cluster
- see also LVS clustering
- hardware
- installing basic cluster hardware,
Installing the Basic Cluster Hardware
- hardware configuration
- availability considerations,
Choosing a Hardware Configuration
- choosing a configuration,
Choosing a Hardware Configuration
- cost restrictions,
Choosing a Hardware Configuration
- data integrity under all failure conditions,
Choosing a Hardware Configuration
- minimum,
Minimum Hardware Requirements
- optional hardware,
Minimum Hardware Requirements
- performance considerations,
Choosing a Hardware Configuration
- hardware information, supplementary,
Supplementary Hardware Information
- hardware installation
- operating system configuration,
Hardware Installation and Operating System Configuration
- high-availability clustering
- see cluster types
- how to use this manual,
How To Use This Manual
- HTTP services
- Apache HTTP Server
- httpd.conf,
Installing and Configuring the Apache HTTP Server
- setting up,
Setting Up Apache HTTP Server
- least connections
- see job scheduling, LVS
- Linux Virtual Server
- see LVS clustering
- load-balance clustering
- see cluster types
- low voltage differential (LVD),
SCSI Bus Length
- /etc/sysconfig/ha/ file,
- components of,
Components of an LVS Cluster
- daemon,
- date replication, real servers,
Data Replication and Data Sharing Between Real Servers
- definition of,
Technology Overview
- initial configuration,
Initial LVS Configuration
- ipvsadm program,
- job scheduling,
LVS Scheduling Overview
- lvs daemon,
- LVS routers
- configuring services,
Initial LVS Configuration
- necessary services,
Configuring Services on the LVS Routers
- primary node,
Initial LVS Configuration
- multi-port services,
Multi-port Services and LVS Clustering
- FTP,
FTP In an LVS Cluster
- nanny daemon,
- NAT routing
- enabling,
Enabling NAT Routing on the LVS Routers
- requirements, hardware,
The NAT LVS Cluster
- requirements, network,
The NAT LVS Cluster
- requirements, software,
The NAT LVS Cluster
- overview of,
Load-Balancing Clusters Using Linux Virtual Servers,
Linux Virtual Server Overview
- packet forwarding,
Initial LVS Configuration
- Piranha Configuration Tool,
Piranha Configuration Tool
- pulse daemon,
- real servers,
Load-Balancing Clusters Using Linux Virtual Servers
- routing methods
- NAT,
Routing Methods
- routing prerequisites,
Configuring Network Interfaces for a NAT LVS Cluster
- scheduling, job,
LVS Scheduling Overview
- send_arp program,
- shared data,
Data Replication and Data Sharing Between Real Servers
- starting the cluster,
Configuring the LVS Routers with Piranha Configuration Tool
- synchronizing configuration files,
Configuring the LVS Routers with Piranha Configuration Tool
- three tiered
- Red Hat Cluster Manager,
A Three Tiered LVS Configuration
- lvs daemon,
- packet forwarding,
Initial LVS Configuration
- see also LVS clustering
- parted
- creating disk partitions,
Partitioning Disks
- partitioning disks,
Partitioning Disks
- Piranha Configuration Tool,
Piranha Configuration Tool
Configuring the LVS Routers with Piranha Configuration Tool
Configuring the LVS Routers with Piranha Configuration Tool
- limiting access to,
Initial LVS Configuration,
Limiting Access To the Piranha Configuration Tool
- login panel,
Configuring the LVS Routers with Piranha Configuration Tool
- necessary software,
Configuring the LVS Routers with Piranha Configuration Tool
- overview of,
Configuring the LVS Routers with Piranha Configuration Tool
- REAL SERVER subsection,
Configuring the LVS Routers with Piranha Configuration Tool
- setting a password,
Initial LVS Configuration
- VIRTUAL SERVER subsection
- Firewall Mark,
- Persistence,
- Scheduling,
- Virtual IP Address,
- VIRTUAL SERVER subsection,
Configuring the LVS Routers with Piranha Configuration Tool
- piranha-gui service,
Configuring Services on the LVS Routers
- piranha-passwd,
Initial LVS Configuration
- power controller connection, configuring,
Configuring Fence Devices
- power switch,
Configuring Fence Devices
- see also power controller
- pulse daemon,
- pulse service,
Configuring Services on the LVS Routers
- real servers
- see LVS clustering
- configuring services,
Initial LVS Configuration
- Red Hat Cluster Manager,
Technology Overview
- subsystem,
Red Hat Cluster Manager Subsystem Overview
- Red Hat Cluster Suite,
Installing the Red Hat Cluster Suite Packages,
Selectively Installing Red Hat Cluster Suite Packages
- custom installation of software
- with the rpm utility,
Installing Packages with the rpm Utility
- installation,
Installing the Red Hat Cluster Suite Packages,
Selectively Installing Red Hat Cluster Suite Packages
- determining RPMs to install,
Determining RPMs To Install
- RPM installation
- automatic,
Installing the Red Hat Cluster Suite Packages,
Automatic RPM Installation
- custom,
Custom RPM Installation
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux,
Introduction to Linux Virtual Server
- installation and configuration,
Installing and Configuring Red Hat Enterprise Linux
- overview of,
Technology Overview
- registering your subscription,
Activate Your Subscription
- round robin
- see job scheduling, LVS
- routing
- prerequisites for LVS,
Configuring Network Interfaces for a NAT LVS Cluster
- RPMs, Red Hat Cluster Suite DLM
- selection criteria of,
Determining RPMs To Install
- RPMs, Red Hat Cluster Suite, GULM
- selection criteria of,
Determining RPMs To Install
- RPMs, Red Hat GFS
- selection criteria of,
Determining RPMs To Install
- scheduling, job (LVS),
LVS Scheduling Overview
- SCSI bus length,
SCSI Bus Length
- SCSI bus termination,
SCSI Bus Termination
- SCSI configuration requirements,
SCSI Configuration Requirements
- SCSI identification numbers,
SCSI Identification Numbers
- SCSI storage
- requirements,
SCSI Storage Requirements
- security
- Piranha Configuration Tool,
Limiting Access To the Piranha Configuration Tool
- send_arp program,
- service status table,
Displaying Cluster and Service Status
- shared disk storage hardware table,
Cluster Hardware Components
- shared storage,
Shared Storage considerations
- considerations,
Shared Storage considerations
- setting up,
Shared Storage considerations
- single-initiator fibre channel interconnect
- setting up,
Setting Up a Fibre Channel Interconnect
- sshd service,
Configuring Services on the LVS Routers
- starting the cluster software,
Starting the Cluster Software
- subscription registration,
Activate Your Subscription
- synchronizing configuration files,
Configuring the LVS Routers with Piranha Configuration Tool
- System V init,
Starting and Stopping the Cluster Software
- tables
- availability and data integrity,
Minimum Hardware Requirements
- cluster hardware,
Cluster Hardware Components
- cluster node hardware,
Cluster Hardware Components
- console switch hardware,
Cluster Hardware Components
- GFS software subsystem components,
Red Hat Cluster Manager Subsystem Overview
- installing the basic cluster hardware,
Installing the Basic Cluster Hardware
- member status for Cluster Status Tool,
Displaying Cluster and Service Status
- member status forclustat,
Displaying Cluster and Service Status
- minimum cluster configuration components,
Minimum Hardware Requirements
- network hardware,
Cluster Hardware Components
- no single point of failure configuration,
Minimum Hardware Requirements
- power controller connection, configuring,
Configuring Fence Devices
- Red Hat Cluster Suite DLM RPM selection criteria,
Determining RPMs To Install
- Red Hat Cluster Suite GULM RPM selection criteria,
Determining RPMs To Install
- Red Hat GFS RPM selection criteria,
Determining RPMs To Install
- service status,
Displaying Cluster and Service Status
- shared disk storage hardware,
Cluster Hardware Components
- UPS system hardware,
Cluster Hardware Components
- terminal server,
Minimum Hardware Requirements
- troubleshooting
- diagnosing and correcting problems in a cluster,
Diagnosing and Correcting Problems in a Cluster