Upgrading CentOS earlier build to 3.1

There is a built in mechanism for updating any centos release (and possibly
other rhel rebuilds) to CentOS-3 (final) release 3.1. 

As the packages are now gpg signed you will probably need to import the gpg-key for
all updates :-

rpm --import http://mirror.centos.org/centos/3.1/i386/RPM-GPG-KEY-CentOS-3

.... build 8 ....

If you are running CentOS-3 build8 then you are basically there, apart from
packages now being signed and a few minor glitches.

Download the following script and execute it as root.


.... build 7 ....

If you are running CentOS version 7 then you just need to update centos-release to
the version 3.1 version :-

rpm -Uhv http://mirror.centos.org/centos/3.1/i386/RedHat/RPMS/centos-release-3.1-1.i386.rpm

then run 'yum update'

.... earlier ....

If you are running earlier centos with yum and have it configured to point at any CentOS build4,build5,build6 repo then :-

'yum install centos-yumconf'

will install a new yum.conf for you that points at 3.1

(if you are running build5 or earlier you will now need to 'yum install centos-release')
*** see note re centos-yumcache below - this is when to install ...

'yum update' will then update to final release 3.1

There may be quite a lot of updates as build 7 onwards include all current updates to rhel 3.


Otherwise you can install the centos-yumconf rpm manually by installing it using :-

rpm -ihv http://mirror.centos.org/centos-3/build6/updates/noarch/centos-yumconf-0-6update5mirror.noarch.rpm

*** ditto

then 'yum update' 


If you are not running yum, then you need to be ...

rpm -ihv http://mirror.centos.org/centos/3.1/i386/RedHat/RPMS/yum-2.0.5-1.centos.2.noarch.rpm
rpm -ihv http://mirror.centos.org/centos-3/build6/updates/noarch/centos-yumconf-0-6update5mirror.noarch.rpm
yum update



Also as part of the update it will be beneficial to install the new CentOS
cache of yum headers, this will save having to wait whilst yum downloads
individual package headers for packages that you dont have installed.

rpm -ihv http://mirror.centos.org/centos/3.1/i386/RedHat/RPMS/centos-yumcache-3.1-0.20040318.3.noarch.rpm

unless you are running build7 as it may be quicker to let yum download the
headers if you arent on a fast net connection because the yumcache is about 13 MB

Note: installing the centos-yumconf rpm will backup your existing yum.conf as /etc/yum.conf-SAVE
in case you decide you didnt want to do it after all.
