CD-ROM Module Parameters

A.2. CD-ROM Module Parameters


Not all of the CD-ROM drives that are listed are supported. Please check the Hardware Compatibility List on Red Hat's website at to make sure the device is supported.

Even though parameters are specified after loading the driver disk and specifying the device, one of the more commonly used parameters hdX=cdrom (where X corresponds to the appropriate drive letter) can be entered at a boot prompt during installation. This is allowed since it effects IDE/ATAPI CD-ROMs, which are already part of the kernel.

In the following tables, most modules listed without any parameters can either be auto-probed to find the hardware or will require manual changes to settings in the module source code and a recompile.

ATAPI/IDE CD-ROM Drives hdX=cdrom
Aztech CD268-01A, Orchid CD-3110, Okano/Wearnes CDD110, Conrad TXC, CyCDROM CR520, CyCDROM CR540 (non-IDE)aztcd.oaztcd=io_port
Sony CDU-31A CD-ROMcdu31a.ocdu31a=io_port,IRQ OR cdu31a_port=base_addr cdu31a_irq=irq
Philips/LMS CDROM drive 206 with cm260 host adapter cardcm206.ocm206=io_port,IRQ
Goldstar R420 CD-ROMgscd.ogscd=io_port
ISP16, MAD16, or Mozart sound card CD-ROM interface (OPTi 82C928 and OPTi 82C929) with Sanyo/Panasonic, Sony, or Mitsumi drivesisp16.oisp16=io_port,IRQ,dma, drive_type OR isp16_cdrom_base=io_port isp16_cdrom_irq=IRQ isp16_cdrom_dma=dma isp16_cdrom_type=drive_type
Mitsumi CD-ROM, Standardmcd.omcd=io_port,IRQ
Mitsumi CD-ROM, Experimentalmcdx.omcdx=io_port_1,IRQ_1, io_port_n,IRQ_n
Optics storage 8000 AT "Dolphin" drive, Lasermate CR328Aoptcd.o 
Parallel-Port IDE CD-ROMpcd.o 
SB Pro 16 Compatiblesbpcd.osbpcd=io_port
Sanyo CDR-H94Asjcd.osjcd=io_port OR sjcd_base=io_port
Sony CDU-535 & 531 (some Procomm drives)sonycd535.osonycd535=io_port

Table A-1. Hardware Parameters

Here are some examples of these modules in use:

ATAPI CD-ROM, jumpered as master on the second IDE channelhdc=cdrom
non-IDE Mitsumi CD-ROM on port 340, IRQ 11mcd=0x340,11
Three non-IDE Mitsumi CD-ROM drives using the experimental driver, io ports 300, 304, and 320 with IRQs 5, 10 and 11mcdx=0x300,5,0x304,10,0x320,11
Sony CDU 31 or 33 at port 340, no IRQcdu31=0x340,0 OR cdu31_port=0x340 cdu31a_irq=0
Aztech CD-ROM at port 220aztcd=0x220
Panasonic-type CD-ROM on a SoundBlaster interface at port 230sbpcd=0x230,1
Phillips/LMS cm206 and cm260 at IO 340 and IRQ 11cm206=0x340,11
Goldstar R420 at IO 300gscd=0x300
Mitsumi drive on a MAD16 soundcard at IO Addr 330 and IRQ 1, probing DMAisp16=0x330,11,0,Mitsumi
Sony CDU 531 at IO address 320sonycd535=0x320

Table A-2. Hardware Parameters Configuration Examples


Most newer Sound Blaster cards come with IDE interfaces. For these cards, do not use sbpcd parameters; only use hdX parameters (where X corresponds to the appropriate drive letter).